1. From your WordPress Dashboard, click Plugins on the left navigation, then click Add New.
2. On the top right, where it says Search Plugins, search for “Header and Footer Scripts.”
3. Click Install Now
4. Once the plugin is installed, press Activate.
5. Return to your WordPress dashboard and click Pages on the left navigation. Click to edit the page you would like to add you Smart Recognitionscript into the Footer Code or Header Code script to. The Header and Footer Scripts plugin will have added a box at for you to insert the tracking script. Paste the script into this box. Make sure to press the Save/Update/Publish button in the top right of the page to save the update.
4. Click on Update Files button to save your changes.
5. From your WordPress Plugins, find your Cache plugin and navigate to Settings. For your plugin, find where you can clear any/all caches. For WP Rocket, this is seen here: