
Effortlessly Integrate your Website
with unlimited data, platforms, services and solutions
to make better decisions in real-time and react intelligently.

  • Integrate with over 100+ platforms from Klayivo and Shopify to Iterable and Hubspot and everything in between.
  • Have a homegrown system of your own? No Problem, we build out custom integrations when the demand is high enough!

Popular Intergration Questions:

On your part, all that is needed is to incorporate our tag onto your pages. The tag is entirely asynchronous, non-blocking, and exceptionally lightweight. Integration can be effortlessly done through a tag manager like Google Tag Manager, requiring no engineering work. You can also also add the pixel tag directly onto your pages. Once the tag is successfully implemented, we take care of the rest without any further action required from you. Smart Recognition begins to construct a personalized model and starts to seamlessly transmit the leads to the appropriate systems and workflows for emailing and/or retargeting.


Visit our Support Page for more detailed information.

We put in extensive effort to ensure that our code is unrivaled in terms of speed. We consistently monitor and optimize the performance of our code. To minimize any negative impact on site speed, we adhere to key practices:

Our script code is designed to be non-blocking, meaning it will not hinder the downloading of any other content on your site, even if our code fails to load or loads slowly.

We load our initial content asynchronously, prioritizing the loading of your high-priority content. Whenever possible, we defer loading parts of our content until the conditions are met and the necessity to use that content is imminent.

We utilize industry-standard techniques for compression to make sure our files are as compact as possible. Additionally, we employ industry-standard browser caching to lessen the data that users need to access from the internet.

To reduce network latency based on the user's location, we have global instances of our CDN.

We routinely test the performance of our global CDN against other providers to ensure that our assets are readily available and perform exceptionally well.

We continuously monitor latency and the impact of page load across various connection speeds, locations, and devices.

The price you'll pay is driven by the volume of leads Smart Recognition delivers, but don't worry you have full control of how many. 

Yes! Smart Recognition can Trigger a signal based on Advanced Filtering to Fire Events in Real Time to ESPs, CRMs, Databases, 3rd Party Platforms, Webhooks, and more.

Yes! We can suppress your current buyers so as not to interupt their current journey. However, Smart Recognition still tracks their activity to recalculate intent and interest. (Many clients still collect this information and respond accordingly)

Yes! Smart Recognition can add your shoppers directly to a number of 3rd party platforms to retarget in real time.

Almost! We are currently working on the ability for you to append 3rd party additional data to the shoppers recognized by Smart Recognition.

Get Started with a 7-Day Free Trial

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your website's traffic and generate real results for your business? Then it's time to sign up for our free trial and start utilizing our AI technology. With our technology, you can capture and monetize the untapped 98% of unknown site traffic and the 100% of traffic that you are not getting, ultimately leading to more conversions and higher ROI. Take advantage of the free trial to see the benefits of breakthrough technology for yourself. No Credit Card Required.
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